Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 13 & 14

I've been busy the last few days so although I did swim I didn't have time to posts my distances.  Therefore I've decided to combine the two days.  Wednesday I tried to get into the ocean pool before work.  I was just a few feet behind the lifeguard as she walked up to the door and held it open for everyone to walk in.  She turned away before I got to the door and I wasn't able to catch it before it closed.  She had forgotten to leave it unlocked so I wasn't able to get in before work.

I went back that night, knowing I had to swim the next morning because I had prior obligations Thursday night.  There were more fish than there would have been in the morning.  There always are in the evenings.  No one, not even fish, want to be up so early.  The bottom wasn't as murky.  Maybe that submersible I saw the other day was cleaning it.  There was some purple coral on the bottom, left there from the swimmers before us.  I swam 1,300 yards and my friend and I called it a night.

The next morning I got up early and made my way to the ocean pool again.  This time the door was unlocked.  There were a few tortoises and a dolphin or two in the water, and I was tired from the night before but I decided I had to push myself anyway.  I again swam 1,300 yards and got out to get ready for work.

Day 13 I swam 1,300 yards + Day 14 I swam 1,300 yards = 2,600 yards between Days 13 and 14.

At the end of Day 12 I had 2,799,550 yards left to swim - 2,600 yards by the end of Day 14 = 2,796,950 yards left to swim!

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