Friday, August 31, 2012

Days 22, 23, and 24

I swam again this week and again didn't have the time to post so I'm going to combine 3 days.

Day 22: Tuesday night I planned to meet my friend at the ocean pool.  I got there early and was again able to get in a few yards all by myself, which felt great.  There weren't too many fish in the water that night, so I was able to stay in my rhythm.  However my friend and I planned to meet again in the morning so I didn't want to work too hard.  My friend didn't end up showing up and I swam a total of 1,200 yards before calling it  a night.

Day 23:  Day 23 was kind of a bust.  I showed up at the ocean pool early in the morning and started swimming.  There were a lot of fish in the water that day.  I was sharing a lane with someone when the lifeguard asked me to make room for a third.  Unfortunately the third wanted to utilize more then his allotted space and after just a  few minutes I had nearly collided with him twice.  For my own safety I decided it was time to get out.  I only got to swim 750 yards on Day 23.  Thankfully my friend didn't show up so I didn't feel as bad leaving early.

Day 24:  Day 24 made up for Day 23 in spades.  I was having a bad day and decided I really needed to release some energy.  I arrived at the ocean pool a little early Thursday night.  There were a few fish there, but I still felt like I was getting into a good rhythm and moving pretty quickly.  I swam the entire time they were open, only stopping for a breather 3 or 4 times.  By the time I got out I had swam 2,700 yards!  That's a little over 1 and a half miles!  That's the most I've swam in a single day yet!

On Day 22 I swam 1,200 yards + 750 yards swam on Day 23 + 2,700 yards swam on Day 24 = 4,650 yards swam between Days 22 and 24!

At the end of Day 21 I had 2,785,200 yards left to swim - 4,650 yards swam on Days 22, 23, and 24 = 2,780,550 yards left to swim.

I'm excited for next week.  I ordered a new swimsuit this week and it arrived today.  I can't wait to try it out in the ocean pool.  I'm on the look out for a new, less expensive, and more organized place to swim.  I have some ideas I'm going to look in to this weekend.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 21

I went swimming again last night.  I was the first one there again.  It's kind of nice being all alone in the ocean pool.  I don't have to fight any waves or battle for space.  I feel more in rhythm too.  Everything feels so much smoother.

Eventually my fiend arrived and a few fish followed her.  Then the battle began.  I swam as hard and fast an far as I could.  By the time I was done I felt like I had done my best.  I swam 2,200 yards last night.

By the end of Day 20 I had 2,787,400 yards left to swim - 2,200 yards swam on Day 21 = 2,785,200 yards until I reach my final destination!

I plan to swim again tonight and tomorrow night I have plans so I'm hoping to get up bright and early tomorrow morning as well.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 20

I went swimming last Thursday but didn't have time to update again.  There weren't many fish in the water, all new species.  I hadn't seen these before.  My friend and I swam for a while and soon we were the only two left.

I was having an off night.  I kept repeating my counts and was having some trouble staying focused so I didn't stay too long.  I'm estimating my yards to be 1,650 judging by the mount of time I was in the water.

At the end of Day 19 I had 2,789,050 yards left to swim - 1,650 estimated yards swam on Day 20 = 2,787,400 yards left to swim!

I'm about to walk out the door to go swimming again tonight!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 19

I went swimming tonight!  I really needed to go.  I haven't been in a while and was starting to feel lazy.

I think this small stretch may have been heavily polluted because there wasn't a fish in sight.  I arrived before my friend and at first I was the only one in the water.  Shortly before my friend arrived one small fish showed up but he didn't stay very long.  By the time my friend got there he had already left.

Since I hadn't been for a while I decided to swim a bit further than I normally would.  I swam 2,000 yards tonight.  This is the furthest I've swam in a single day so far!

At the end of Day 18 I had 2,791,050 yards left to swim - 2,000 yards swam today = 2,789,050 yards left to swim!

My friend and I agreed we'd go swimming again together tomorrow night.

Day 18

Day 18 was actually last Thursday.  I was too busy to update last week and then over the weekend got sick and haven't been feeling up to it until today.  I also wasn't able to swim Monday or Tuesday of this week.

Thursday morning I got to the ocean pool early.  I had stayed up pretty late the night before so I was dragging when I got there.  It was pretty busy.  There were a lot of fish around and that submersible was back!  I told myself I'd swim 1,200 yards and then get out but I pushed myself until I had completed 1,700 yards.  I decided that was enough and got out to get ready for work.

At the end of Day 17 I had 2,792,750 yards left to swim - 1,700 yards swam on Day 18 = 2,791,050 yards left to swim!

I hope to go tonight, since I'm beginning to feel better but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 15, Day 16, & Day 17

I've gone swimming 3 days this week and haven't updated my blog.  Things got busy again so you get a special 3 for the price of 1 treat.

Day 15: My buddy and I decided to go swimming Monday night.  We were both tired from a long weekend and didn't want to get up in the morning.  We arrived at the ocean pool and the sharks were back.  I guess they aren't morning creatures because they're never there when we swim in the morning.  Since we were planning on swimming the next morning we decided to make it a shorter night.  I swam 1,100 yards.

Day 16: I got up and got to the ocean pool bright and early.  There were a lot of tortoises and dolphins in the water.  That always makes for a more difficult swim because they create a lot of waves.  The bottom was getting pretty murky again.  My friend didn't end up making it so I swam 1,500 yards and got out.

Day 17: I got up and went swimming again this morning.  My friend was going to meet me at the pool but she didn't make it before I had to get ready for work.  I think Wednesday mornings are the most busy.  There were more dolphins and tortoises, as well as some other fish.  By the time I left the lifeguard was telling people they had to wait because there were too many people in the pool.  I'm glad I get there as early as I do.  The bottom was still pretty murky.  I swam 1,600 yards and then decided I should give someone else the space.

On Day 15 I swam 1,100 yards + 1,500 yards swam on Day 16 + 1,600 yards swam on Day 17 = 4,200 yards swam from Day 15 to Day 17.

At the end of Day 14 I had 2,796,950 yards left to swim - 4,200 yards swam from Days 15 to Day 17 = 2,792,750 yards left to swim!

My friend and I plan to finish the week strong tomorrow morning!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 13 & 14

I've been busy the last few days so although I did swim I didn't have time to posts my distances.  Therefore I've decided to combine the two days.  Wednesday I tried to get into the ocean pool before work.  I was just a few feet behind the lifeguard as she walked up to the door and held it open for everyone to walk in.  She turned away before I got to the door and I wasn't able to catch it before it closed.  She had forgotten to leave it unlocked so I wasn't able to get in before work.

I went back that night, knowing I had to swim the next morning because I had prior obligations Thursday night.  There were more fish than there would have been in the morning.  There always are in the evenings.  No one, not even fish, want to be up so early.  The bottom wasn't as murky.  Maybe that submersible I saw the other day was cleaning it.  There was some purple coral on the bottom, left there from the swimmers before us.  I swam 1,300 yards and my friend and I called it a night.

The next morning I got up early and made my way to the ocean pool again.  This time the door was unlocked.  There were a few tortoises and a dolphin or two in the water, and I was tired from the night before but I decided I had to push myself anyway.  I again swam 1,300 yards and got out to get ready for work.

Day 13 I swam 1,300 yards + Day 14 I swam 1,300 yards = 2,600 yards between Days 13 and 14.

At the end of Day 12 I had 2,799,550 yards left to swim - 2,600 yards by the end of Day 14 = 2,796,950 yards left to swim!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 12

I went swimming alone again this morning.  My buddy was unable to come with me.  At least it wasn't as busy as it was yesterday.  There were some other fish in the water, though.  A couple of tortoises and some dolphins, and maybe even a stingray, although I can't be sure.

The bottom was looking rather murky.  I passed by a submersible!  It was so cool!  Before too long they were gone though.  Just me and my fishy friends were left.  I didn't want to swim too long, since I didn't have a watch and have a hard time seeing the clock from the ocean pool so I swam 1,300 yards and got out to get ready for work.

At the end of day 11 I had 2,800,850 yards left to swim - 1,300 yards swam today = 2,799,550 yards left until I get to Africa!

I'm going to go swimming again in the morning tomorrow.  I'll have less  to do before work, and my buddy will be with me to help me see the clock, so I hope to stay longer and swim further.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 11

We decided to go swimming early this morning.  I won't be able to go Thursday night so we were kind of preparing ourselves for the early swim that morning.  I awoke before the sun and got ready to head to the ocean pool.  We were in the water before the sun had her early morning coffee.

There were a lot of fish around today.  The lifeguard selected lanes for us, and let's just say that didn't work out so well for me.  After 1,200 yards I decided to call it quits and get ready for work.

At the end of Day 10 I had 2,802,050 yards left to swim - 1,200 yards swam today = 2,800,850 yards left to swim

My swim buddy asked if I wanted to swim again tonight so I'm hoping we will be heading to the pool in a couple of hours!  I think since we already went this morning I'll shoot for a lower goal today, but who knows?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 10

I swam alone last night.

I'm all alone....
No one here beside me.....

There weren't too many people there.  The sharks were no where to be found.  There were quite a few other fish, though, and a couple of old tortoises.

I decided when I got to the pool I'd swim 1,000 yards and call it a night.  Once I reached my goal I decided I didn't want to stop and kept pushing myself 100 yards at a time further.  Finally I reached 1,500 yards and decided I should call it a day.

At the end of day 9 I had 2,803,550 yards left to swim - 1,500 yards swam today = 2,802,050 yards left to swim!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 9

Day 9 was rather uneventful.  There's still some coral on the bottom, which sometimes makes me wonder.  A few sharks were back today, but since it was just us and them they pretty much left us alone and we barely noticed their presence.

We took it a little slower today.  I swam 1,500 yards again.

2,805,050 yards were left at the end of Day 8 - 1,500 yards swam today = 2,803,550 yards left to swim!

Tomorrow is the last day of swimming for the week.  I hope to make it count.

Day 8

Last night was day 8.  I did not take the necessary steps ahead of time so my swim was cut short due to pain.  There weren't too many fish around last night.  It was kind of nice.  We were able to spread out a bit more than normal.  There was fun new coral on the bottom as well!

Last night I swam 1,500 yards.

2,806,550 yards left as of the end of Day 7 - 1,500 yards swam on Day 8= 2,805,050 yards left to swim!

We're going again tonight and I'm going to be sure the pain doesn't cut my time short this time.