Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 5

I'm happy to report the storm died down some today.  The sharks were back again, but they were friendly today.  They agreed to give us some more room so we weren't sharing half a lane.

We were both tired today so we wanted nothing more than to float on our backs and allow the current to take us wherever it wanted.  We knew that if we did that though, we could be thrown way off course and would have even more swimming ahead of us.  So we set our minds to it and swam away.  We did take a few extra moments to relax, and I'm glad tonight's swim is behind us.

Tonight I swam 1,400 yards.  At the end of day 4 I had 2,811,100 yards left to swim. 2,811,100 yards at the end of Day 4 - 1,400 yards swam today = 2,809,700 yards left to my final destination!

Despite being tired and in some pain today, I'm excited to get back into the pool tomorrow.  I'm hoping before too long my stamina has increased some and I wont' be so tired at the end of the day.

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