Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Days 39 and 40

On Tuesday of last week my friend couldn't make it, but fortunately for me I could!  I went to the pool ocean by myself.  It was REALLY busy.  I had to share a lane with an octopus.  I just got in and got going.  I kept my head down and kept swimming until I was too tired to go on.  With so many fish in the water it was a bit choppy, so I tired more easily.  I only got in 1,500 yards this night.

On Wednesday my friend and I met up.  It was much calmer and quieter.  Only a few fish and an octopus in the water tonight.  I like quieter days. They let me swim and not have to worry about anything.  I can just let my cares go.  I tried to swim at a more leisurely pace on this night, but before I knew it I had swam 2,100 yards!

I'm going again tonight.  My husband got me a Garmin Swim watch so I don't have to think about counting laps my distance anymore. and I'm excited to try it out and see how accurately it counts for me!  My friend and I have already agreed to meet up tomorrow as well.

On Day 39 I swam 1,500 yards + 2,100 yards swam on Day 40 = 3,600 yards swam on Days 39 and 40.

At the end of Day 38 I had 2,759,200 yards left to swim - 3,600 yards swam on Days 39 and 40 = 2,755,600 yards left to swim!

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